Yes, we are at WAR

This is an editorial that the Regional News did not publish

Wrote this letter to the editor that they chose not to print, Not wanting to upset the locals Republican territory into THINKING


WE are in the middle of a WAR.  Yes, we are at WAR. This WAR is no different from any other WAR! People we love are dying and there is an ENEMY that is killing us.  The ENEMY has a name, and it is COVID 19. It is INVISIBLE! It is HIGHLY contagious. DO NOT be deceived by ALL those, including Trump, who make FALSE claims that it is OK to even risk getting sick. It is a WAR and the losers are those who DIE, who die prematurely, before their time. UNTIL WE understand this very simple fact, we will continue to PLAY Russian ROULETT. The only difference is that instead of a 1 in 6 chance of dying, WE KNOW that of those infected, 2 in 100 will DIE. 20 in a 1,000 will DIE, 200 in 10,000 will DIE and 2,000 in 100,000 WILL DIE. DO THE SIMPLE MATH!   GETTING INFECT MAKES A DIFFERENCE, maybe not to you but clearly to someone.

And even this is not the issue.

The issue is that there are only so many DOCTORS and NURSES. When someone needs critical care and ALL the Doctors and Nurses are busy taking care of others who need critical care, someone (you?) WILL DIE and then many (other, maybe a friend, relative?) WILL DIE because there is NO ONE to provide the critical care that is needed AT THE TIME IT IS NEEDED.


(Not mentioned now in the local paper that our small local hospital is sending folks to other hospitals  BUT let us not inform the LOCALS for fear of what???)


We also know that there are three groups of people who WILL SUFFER more than the Dominate Group, the elderly, people of color and people with compromised immune systems. They will die at higher rates, up to 1 in 10.


5 members of the U.S. Supreme Court have spoken in this time of WAR, by further dividing us, by declaring that in this time of WAR, our  RELIGIOUS LIBERTIES must be protected!


The Supreme Court itself made this proclamation while the Court members themselves did not meet in public for fear of COVID 19.

WEAR a MASK it makes a difference!

PS wash it often.  Wash or sanitize your hands after touching your mask! This just dawned on me!