Supreme Court expansion is not the answer

Letter to the Editor,

May I suggest that


We have heard about the    “Rule of Law”    While we are told that we do not have Kings or Dictators we are told that we have 3 Branches of Government  which are still people who take on the Power of Kings and Dictators.


We are FIRST  the   Rule of Law    and then we have 3 Branches of Government that FOLLOW the Rule of Law.


What we have is  5 members of the Supreme Court who KNOW the Rule of Law and Who have been called out by the 4 other members  for their  FAILURE  to follow the   Rule of Law.  BUT the 4 have not called for the impeachment of the 5 for their FAILURE to follow the Rule of Law.


In the current case  While the citizens of the United States have a RIGHT to a medical procedure called an abortion the citizens of Texas by order of the 5 members of the Supreme Court have chosen to violate the    Rule of Law   in its most basic manner  By no logic can part of the citizens of the US have a different   Rule of Law   than any other part of the citizens of the US. 


The 5 MUST be   impeached   as they   will   ALWAYS be a STAIN on the rest of the Court  They have debased themselves and as long as they are on the Court they debase the Court itself!


Yes it will take lots of work to explain to the citizens of the US why this is BUT  that is the only way out of the mess we are in.


To explain in detail  that we are a nation of   Laws   and it is the Laws that have the POWER  and not the elected officials who sole duty is to use those  Laws to govern us the citizens.


It should be noted that it took 4000+ Lynching and 154 years BEFORE a Federal Law was passed making it a Federal Crime to kill someone by Lynching.  It should also be noted that NO STATE ever charged anyone for those 4000+ murders – by lynching  


It should also be noted that the Constitution of the United States is STILL STAINED  by


Article 1  Section 2  “Representatives ……   shall be apportioned …….  by adding the whole number of free persons…. three fifths of all other Persons.


That NO ONE, in the now, 154 years have felt any need to Pass an Amendment that expunges  removes this STAIN on the VERY LAW that enables  ALL other Laws   that becomes the   “Rule of Law”



Tom Spellman