Morning Thoughts – Authoritarianism in the US

Tom Spellman, December 29, 2020

Here is a long article by Glenn Greenwald but an important one to the awareness that Trump was not the threat of Authoritarianism in the US but we (US) are. 

Hummm    No   Trump is CRAZY    He WAS crazy   and    He IS crazy     Now we KNOW that crazy folks can keep it together in their own way but they are still crazy    It is the folks that are around him   the    RACISTS    that ARE the destroyers of Democracy    

A RACIST society is an Authoritarian Society. There ARE 74,000,000 folks who are racist or are willing to be associated with racism.  There are 80,000,000 who are NOT WILLING to be associated with RACIST.   So why one would write a long article claiming that RACIST are not authoritarian is confusing.  Jim Crow Laws were authoritarian to both whites and blacks.  The impact was debilitating to both but physical oppression on those whose skin color was black is not describable, for to describe it will only make it less than it WAS and yet it must be attempted to be described because only in doing so can one come to understand that there are NO WORDS that can describe its terror that went on for 400 years and goes on today in the indiscriminate murder of people of color by the POLICE. That the mayors across the country have NOT SPOKEN with one VOICE   That the Police Chief association HAS NOT SPOKEN with ONE VOICE

Any cop who kills wantonly WILL GO TO JAIL   IT MUST STOP and that message is the only message that will get the murders attention

WE all SAW the collapse of each Tower and yet because we had NO framework to understand it. We did not SEE the explosives because we have NEVER seen such a destruction. 

The official story (main stream story) was a LIE

On COVID,  the official story (main stream story) is the TRUTH  but Trump and company claim that it is a LIE and because they are who they are they are believed and hence the disaster we are living through.   

Now there is an irony to that in that the scientific community who SAW what we all saw but chose to be silent and be complicit with the LIE are now being physically destroyed

In a Democracy WE ALL MUST SPEAK THE TRUTH AT ALL TIMES  and if we personally do not KNOW the TRUTH we must believe and there in is part of the trick. Who do we believe when we do not KNOW ourselves.  Do I believe others who claim that COVID is a hoax or do I believe Paul who KNOWS and I know that he KNOWS.  Yes I believe Paul

