Prayers of the faithful at Anne’s celebration of life.
Reveling in Anne’s life, let’s carry her baton
We pray in gratitude that Anne followed the example of her father, Paul, and played the cards life dealt her. Holding in gratitude Anne’s medical community, Dana Farber, we ask blessings on medical care and research teams everywhere.
We pray for those suffering from illness, and their caregivers. May they find peace in knowing that at the right time the Holy Breath will carry each of us to the Living water flowing from the heart of God.
We pray in gratitude that, about skate boarding for 24 hours, Anne said “Once you decide you’re not going to stop it’s a lot easier.” We ask for the grace to keep our eyes on the prize of Love, persist through challenges, be the best we can be, and encourage each other to do the same as we all participate in the Good Race.
We pray in gratitude that Anne was a lighthouse. May she be forgiven for any ways her light was dimmer than it could have been. May all of us who grieve her loss remember there is no amount of dark that can keep the light from getting through. Through Anne’s transformed life, may we shine forth and bring comfort and peace to each other.
We pray in gratitude that Anne was like the biblical mother hen watching out for her brood. She encouraged her sons to grow in individuality, supported her large family and many friends, organized care for her mother, and led a crew of volunteers who helped paint rooms for traumatized children. We pray for a continuation of Anne’s heart that embraced the world. We pray for the dead and suffering Afghan people. During this continuing pandemic, may we live as taught by our Great Teacher. Consolidating resources with laser focus to respond to those most excluded, may we truly witness that fellow country and world citizens are our one family.
We pray on this 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attack, for all the lives lost that day and in subsequent days, including those who risked their health to rescue those trapped in the rubble. We pray for the children who grew up without a parent, the men and women who lost a spouse, and parents who lost a child.
We pray in gratitude for Anne’s radiant smile and sense of humor. May we extend Anne’s gifts as we exchange humor and lift each other up in faith and hope.
We pray in gratitude for Anne’s surfing life with zesty adventure. We pray that like her, we get out in nature and are awed, by our interconnectedness, and potential. May we be motivated to show respect for one another, and protect the Web of life of our precious planet.
We celebrate Anne’s ability to live life in harmony. She lived with a sense that all things were working for good. Really, how many women do you know that gave birth three times with the help of Bob Marley’s music? The rhythm of life was her signature. She readily pitched in, playing the instrument of her life for the common good. May we each be a vibrant part of Love’s orchestra sharing our unique gift with abundant generosity.
Response to each prayer: Giver of Life…. Please help us choose You.