Book of Ruth *
gray sky entrenched with grayest lake
enmeshed all the way to infinity
engulfing every single tree
ruth bader ginsburg died today
a namesake of hers
all day long
i tried to shelter
a cloud of women witnesses
but gray grief enveloped me
breaking through the blackest sky
the drinking gourd exploded floodlights
pointing to the north star
RBG joined Harriet
pouring out brightness
pointing, pointing, pointing home
one more trail-blazer going first
coming back for others
her white lace collar gleaming among the black robes
leading her followers into streams
keeping the scent of freedom safe
from the bloodhounds
Harriet, Ruth,
Dona Ruth my turn
every injustice rubbing me wrong
rubbing me raw rage wrong
i’m reaching out my hand
integrity’s rubbing off on me
tasting freedom i’m tasting passover
i’m rubbing shoulders with wonder
freedom’s worth the risk of getting there
hear the rumble
we’re freedom flight entwined
following RBG’s shining collar
no amount of dark
can keep the light
from getting through
it’s true
*Ruth 1:16 “Do not ask me to abandon or forsake you!
Wherever you go I will go…your people shall be my people…”
Dona Ruth Palmer 10/5/2020