Working for peaceful transition of power.
Dear Rep. Steil,
Thanks for your commitment to a peaceful transition of power. Please, now it is time to put aside a hypothetical “I will support ….” It is time for a bold clear message. “I support President elect Joe Biden as the president of our country starting Jan 20, 2020. Over four dozen legal challenges have attempted to prove that Joe Biden was not fairly elected. Every case was based on unfounded allegations; every case was rejected! I agree to work wholeheartedly with Biden as our new president. Any attempts to invalidate his election are acts of sedition.”
Please, this needs to be said now! In reaching out to the Walworth County Republican headquarters I was told “Get your head out of the sand. Trump’s election was stolen from him.” Throughout our country lives, of innocent people defending the election, are being threatened. For the security of all Americans and the soul of our democracy, please be a leader. Repeat the truth as often as the lies have been told. Talk to the local Walworth County members. Please reinforce the importance of publicly acknowledging truth.
In addition, although you’re not the oldest of Republican representatives, please lead your fellow party members to realize the incredible importance you all play in standing up to President Trump. He wanted “to see the list” of those who supported him in his case before the Supreme Court. Supported him in what? Supported him in trying to take away my vote and the vote of my fellow Americans!
Throughout his presidency he has acted like a mob boss who punishes anyone who doesn’t help him get what he wants. The party is currently like kids on the playground. Republicans will only find strength in numbers. If you all don’t stand up to him as one body now, how huge will his cancerous autocratic tenacles continue to grow? Now is time to break free from the suckers of those tenacles, get out of his swamp, and show a body that can stand on its own feet.
Again, thank you for being one of the, incredulously only, 70 who showed a backbone. Please help others grow their moral courage. I call out to you for a lifeline. Please don’t let my fellow Americans and me drown in a sea of toxic lies. We can only tread water for so long!!! I am full of hope as I await to hear your “Help is on the Way!”
Thank you very much.
Dona Palmer